Google Ads dimensions and metrics play a crucial role in measuring and optimizing the performance of advertising campaigns. They provide valuable insights and data that enable advertisers to make informed decisions and drive better results. Dimensions represent various attributes of the ads, such as keywords, ad groups, placements, and devices, allowing advertisers to analyze their campaigns from different perspectives. Metrics, on the other hand, provide quantitative measurements of campaign performance, including clicks, impressions, conversions, and cost.
Understanding the importance of dimensions and metrics is essential for advertisers looking to maximize the effectiveness of their Google Ads campaigns. By leveraging these insights, advertisers can gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, identify trends and patterns, and make data-driven adjustments to improve campaign performance. Whether it’s evaluating the effectiveness of specific keywords, analyzing the impact of ad placements, or tracking the ROI of advertising spend, dimensions and metrics empower advertisers with actionable information.
To help you navigate through the diverse range of dimensions and metrics available in Google Ads, we have compiled a comprehensive table that lists and explains each of them. This table serves as a valuable resource, providing a quick reference for advertisers to understand the meaning and significance of each dimension and metric. Whether you’re a seasoned advertiser or just getting started with Google Ads, this table will assist you in unlocking the full potential of your advertising campaigns and driving meaningful results.
Please find below the table of Google Ads dimensions and metrics, organized in a user-friendly format for your convenience.
Label | Description | Name | Type | Data Type | Tables |
Account ID | The unique identifier of an account. | account_id | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions ads_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Account Name | The name of the account. | configName | DIMENSION | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
Ad Group Labels | adGroupLabels | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions | |
Ad ID | The unique identifier of an ad. | ad_id | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions insights |
Ad Labels | adLabels | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Ad Name | The name of the ad. | ad_name | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Ad Network Type | adNetworkType | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_insights insights |
Ad group ID | The unique identifier of an ad group. | ad_group_id | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions ads_dimensions age gender insights keywords search shopping |
Ad group Name | The name of an ad group. | adgroup_name | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions |
Ad group status | The status of an ad group. | adgroup_status | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions |
Ad group type | The type of an ad group. | adgroup_type | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions |
Ad rotation | Indicates whether your ads are being optimized or rotated indefinitely. | adRotationMode | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions |
Ad status | Whether your ads are approved, disapproved, under review, or in another state. | ad_status | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Ad strength | Ranging from Γ’β¬ΕIncompleteΓ’β¬_x009d_ to Γ’β¬ΕExcellent,Γ’β¬_x009d_ this metric measures the relevance, quality, and diversity of your ad copy. | adStrength | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Ad type | The type of ad format. | ad_type | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Age | age | DIMENSION | STRING | age | |
All conv. rate | All conversion rate shows how often, on average, an ad interaction leads to a conversion. ItΓ’β¬β’s calculated by dividing the total number of conversions by the total number of ad interactions. | all_conv_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
All conv. value/click | The average conversion value of each ad interaction. | all_conv_value_per_click | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
All conv. value/cost | All conversion value per cost measures your return on investment for All conversions. ItΓ’β¬β’s the All conv. value divided by the total cost of all ad interactions. | all_conv_value_per_cost | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
All conversions | A view of all the conversions that your Google Ads campaigns drive. This column includes any conversion actions that you’ve chosen not to include in your main “Conversions” column. | all_conversions | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
All conversions value | The total value of all of your conversions, including advanced sources like cross-device conversions and conversion actions even if the Γ’β¬ΛIncludeΓ’β¬β’ in Conversions setting is unchecked. | all_conversions_value | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Approval Status | After youΓ’β¬β’ve created an ad or asset, you can check whether itΓ’β¬β’s been reviewed or not. | approvalStatus | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions keywords |
Asset ID | asset_id | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions assets |
Asset Image URL | assetImageUrl | DIMENSION | STRING | assets | |
Average Time On Site | average_time_on_site | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights insights |
Avg. CPC | Average cost-per-click is the amount you’ve paid for your ad divided by its total clicks. | avg_cpc | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping |
Avg. CPE | Average cost-per-engagement is the average amount that you’ve been charged for an ad engagement | avg_cpe | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Avg. CPM | Average cost-per-thousand impressions is the average amount that you’ve been charged for 1,000 impressions. | avg_cpm | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Avg. CPV | Average cost-per-view is the average amount you paid each time someone viewed your video ad. It equals the total cost of all views divided by the total number of views. | avg_cpv | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Avg. Cost | The average amount you pay per interaction. | avg_cost | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Biding Strategy Type | bidingStrategyType | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_dimensions | |
Bounce Rate | The % of sessions that bounce. | bounce_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights insights |
Budget | The budget for the campaign. | budget | DIMENSION | NUMBER | campaigns_dimensions |
CTR | The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions) | CTR | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Campaign ID | campaign_id | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions ads_dimensions age campaigns_dimensions campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Campaign Labels | campaignLabels | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_dimensions | |
Campaign Name | campaign_name | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_dimensions | |
Campaign Status | Your campaign status shows you whether your campaign is running normally, and how to fix any issues. | campaign_status | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_dimensions |
Campaign type | The type of campaign. | advertisingChannelType | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_dimensions |
City | city | DIMENSION | STRING | geotargets_city | |
City ID | city_id | DIMENSION | NUMBER | geo geotargets_city |
Click Share | search_click_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights shopping |
Click Type | click_type | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Clicks | clicks | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Conv. rate | Conversion rate shows how often, on average, an ad interaction leads to a conversion. ItΓ’β¬β’s conversions divided by the interactions with your ad | conv_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Conv. value/click | Conversion value per click is the average conversion value of your ad interactions. | conv_value_per_click | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Conv. value/cost | Conversion value per cost measures your return on investment. ItΓ’β¬β’s the conversion value divided by the total cost of all ad interactions. | conv_value_per_cost | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Conversion Action Category | Breakdown your conversions by installs, in-app actions, etc. You can use this field only with conversions metric. | conversionActionCategory | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_insights insights |
Conversion Action Name | conversionActionName | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_insights insights |
Conversions | conversions | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Conversions Value | The value of the conversions for the timeframe reported. | conversions_value | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Cost | Total cost for the timeframe reported. | cost | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Cost if conversion is not zero | Take cost if conversion is not zero | cost_if_conv_not_zero | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Cost if video views not zero | Take cost if video views is not zero | cost_if_video_views_not_zero | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Cost/all conv. | Shows the average cost of a conversion in All conversions. It’s your total cost divided by All conversions. | cost_per_all_conv | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping |
Cost/conv. | The average cost of a conversion. It’s your cost divided by the number in the Conversions | cost_per_conv | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping |
Country | country | DIMENSION | STRING | geotargets_country | |
Country Code | countryCode | DIMENSION | STRING | geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
Country ID | country_id | DIMENSION | NUMBER | geo geotargets_country |
Cross Device Conversions | cross_device_conversions | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Currency | The currency of the account | currency | DIMENSION | STRING | insights campaigns_insights campaigns_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions ads_dimensions assets keywords search geo geotargets_country geotargets_region geotargets_city geotargets_postal_code age gender shopping |
Current Model Attributed Conversions | current_model_attributed_conversions | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights insights keywords |
Current Model Attributed Conversions Value | current_model_attributed_conversions_value | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights insights keywords |
Data Freshness | dataFreshness | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions ads_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Data Source | Data source title | dataSource | DIMENSION | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
Data Source Logo | Data source logo | dataSourceLogo | DIMENSION | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
Date | date | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Day Of Month | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | day_of_month | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Day Of Week | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | day_of_week | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Description1 | The Ad’s Description Line 1 | description1 | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Description2 | The Ad’s Description Line 2 | description2 | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Device | device | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_insights insights shopping |
Display URL | The Display URL for an ad. | displayUrl | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Engagement Rate | Engagement rate is used to measure how often people engage with your ad after it’s been shown to them. Use it to help you figure out how effective your ad is. Engagement rate is the number of engagements divided by total impressions. | engagement_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Engagements | engagements | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search |
Final URL | The Final URL for the ad. | finalUrl | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
First Page CPC | firstPageCpc | METRIC | NUMBER | keywords | |
First Position CPC | firstPositionCpc | METRIC | NUMBER | keywords | |
Gender | gender | DIMENSION | STRING | gender | |
Gmail Forwards | gmail_forwards | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights keywords |
Gmail Saves | gmail_saves | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights keywords |
Gmail Secondary Clicks | gmail_secondary_clicks | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights keywords |
Headline1 | The Ad’s Headline Line 1 | headline1 | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Headline2 | The Ad’s Headline Line 2 | headline2 | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Headline3 | The Ad’s Headline Line 3 | headline3 | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Historical Quality Score | historical_quality_score | METRIC | NUMBER | keywords | |
Image | unified_image | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Image URL | The Ad’s Image URL (If applicable) | imageUrl | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |
Impressions | Total impressions in the timeframe reported. | impressions | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Impressions if video views not zero | Take impressions if video views is not zero | impressions_if_video_views_not_zero | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
Interaction Rate | How often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown. | interaction_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Interactions | interactions | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search |
Keyword | The keyword that was matched to a search. | keyword | DIMENSION | STRING | keywords search |
Keyword ID | The ID for the keyword. | keyword_id | DIMENSION | STRING | keywords |
Keyword Match Type | The Match Type for a keyword (Broad, Phrase, Exact) | keyword_matchType | DIMENSION | STRING | keywords search |
Keyword Status | Your keyword status lets you know whether your keywords are active or not. | adGroupCriterionStatus | DIMENSION | STRING | keywords |
Labels | labels | DIMENSION | STRING | ad_groups_dimensions ads_dimensions campaigns_dimensions keywords |
Month | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | month_only | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Month Day | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | month_day | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Optimization Score | optimizationScore | DIMENSION | NUMBER | campaigns_dimensions | |
PMA Is Interpolated? | Used by Power My Analytics to indicate whether lifetime data might be interpolated | isInterpolated | BOOLEAN | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
PMA Maximum Cached Data Date | Used by Power My Analytics to indicate maximum cached data date. | MaxDate | DIMENSION | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
PMA Minimum Cached Data Date | Used by Power My Analytics to indicate minimum cached data date. | MinDate | DIMENSION | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
PMA Payment URL | Used by Power My Analytics to provide URL to activate your account, or to see the billing information. | Payment | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
PMA Subscription ID | Used by Power My Analytics for billing and user-identification with our support staff. | Subscription | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
PMA Trial Status | Used by Power My Analytics to show trial as Active, Expired or number of days remaining. | Trial | STRING | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo shopping ads_dimensions ad_groups_dimensions age assets campaigns_dimensions gender geotargets_city geotargets_country geotargets_postal_code geotargets_region |
Percent New Visitors | percent_new_visitors | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights insights |
Phone Calls | phone_calls | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Postal Code | postal_code | DIMENSION | STRING | geotargets_postal_code | |
Postal Code ID | postal_code_id | DIMENSION | NUMBER | geotargets_postal_code | |
Preview Image URL | previewImageUrl | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Product Brand | product_brand | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Channel | product_channel | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Condition | product_condition | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Country | product_country | METRIC | NUMBER | shopping | |
Product Item ID | product_item_id | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Language | product_language | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Merchant ID | product_merchant_id | DIMENSION | NUMBER | shopping | |
Product Store ID | product_store_id | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Title | product_title | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Type L1 | product_type_l1 | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Type L2 | product_type_l2 | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Type L3 | product_type_l3 | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Type L4 | product_type_l4 | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Product Type L5 | product_type_l5 | DIMENSION | STRING | shopping | |
Quarter | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | quarter | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Region | region | DIMENSION | STRING | geotargets_region | |
Region ID | region_id | DIMENSION | NUMBER | geo geotargets_region |
Search Exact Match IS | search_exact_match_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search Impr. share | search_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights shopping |
Search Lost IS | search_budget_lost_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search Lost IS | search_rank_lost_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search Term Match Type | search_term_match_type | DIMENSION | STRING | search | |
Search abs. top IS | search_absolute_top_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights shopping |
Search lost abs. top IS | search_budget_lost_absolute_top_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search lost abs. top IS | search_rank_lost_absolute_top_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search lost top IS | search_budget_lost_top_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search lost top IS | search_rank_lost_top_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Search term | The search query entered by a user that was matched to the advertiser’s ad. | search_term | DIMENSION | STRING | search |
Search term status | status | DIMENSION | STRING | search | |
Search top IS | search_top_impression_share | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_insights | |
Serving Status | Ads that can serve to all audiences will be shown as Approved while other serving statuses have the more specific labels Approved (strongly restricted) and Approved (moderately restricted). | servingStatus | DIMENSION | STRING | campaigns_dimensions keywords |
Target CPA | targetCPA | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_dimensions | |
Target ROAS | targetROAS | METRIC | NUMBER | campaigns_dimensions | |
Type | type | DIMENSION | STRING | geo | |
Utm Content | utm_content | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Utm Medium | utm_medium | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Utm Source | utm_source | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Utm Term | utm_term | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions | |
Value/all conv. | Value per all conversions is approximately how much, on average, each conversion in your All conv. column is worth | value_per_all_conv | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Value/conv. | Value per conversion is approximately how much, on average, each of your conversions is worth. ItΓ’β¬β’s the conversion value divided by Conversions. | value_per_conv | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search geo |
Video Quartile P100 Rate | video_quartile_p100_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights |
Video Quartile P25 Rate | video_quartile_p25_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights |
Video Quartile P50 Rate | video_quartile_p50_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights |
Video Quartile P75 Rate | video_quartile_p75_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender insights |
Video Views | video_views | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search |
View Rate | The percentage of people who watched your video after they first saw the video or thumbnail. It equals the number of views your ad receives divided by the number of impressions | view_rate | METRIC | NUMBER | insights campaigns_insights keywords search |
View Through Conversions | view_through_conversions | METRIC | NUMBER | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search |
Week | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | week | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Year | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | year | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Year Month | month | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Year Quarter | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | year_quarter | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
Year Week | The dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled. | year_week | DIMENSION | STRING | age campaigns_insights gender geo insights keywords search shopping |
utm_campaign | utm_campaign | DIMENSION | STRING | ads_dimensions |